C++ IOT Development

 Sample Lectures

RF Communication (Part 1)

C++ IOT Development

RF Communication (Part 2)

C++ IOT Development

HT/IR/LDR Sensor

C++ IOT Development

Software Component (Part 1)

C++ IOT Development

Software Component (Part 2)

C++ IOT Development

IOT Development


Fee Rs.6000/-

Pay using UPI

Offer ends on 27 Jan 2025 at 6 AM

225 Lectures

IOT Development
The fee does not include the IOT Hardware / Kit required
 Assignments submitted

 Students in ACTION

Mobile App & WiFi Units

WiFi Networking

Smart Heater (Part 1)


Smart Heater (Part 2)


Smart Dustbin

A Product

WiFi Socket

A Product

Command Centre

Java Implementation


433 MHz T/R Implementation


Clock Synchronization

Command centre

Python implementation


Configuration use case

WiFi Networking

Pulling request

WiFi Networking

Appliation prototype

Long / short press

Push button implementation

The IOT Kit

 26 Items - Not part of course fee


Course Contents

Phase - I (You will have to procure the necessary hardware)

  • Setting up Arduino Software (IDE)
  • Writing sketch and deploying it on the arduino nano board
  • Breadboard basics and setting up the power supply
  • All about I/O Pins
  • Creating different types of circuits involving use of different sensors / push button / relays
  • Setting up communication between 2 Arduino nano's using RF Transmitter / Receiver
  • Setting up a network of 3 Arduino nano's using RF Transmitter / Receiver
  • Configuring and setting up ESP-01 8266 WiFi Module
  • Creating a client / server application based on WiFi connectivity
  • PC + Arduino Nano + Sensors + Switches (All coming into play to form a connected devices network)
  • Developing an IOT Connections framework to simplify application development
  • Bringing the UNO into the picture
  • A Camera Module based application
  • Touch pad + Display Module + Application that allows the user the configure the modules
  • Creating a IOT Command Centre Application
  • Feeding data to the internet based web application
  • Configuring Raspberry Pi, installing Linux
  • Writing applications for Pi in Python 3
  • Developing a Mobile Application to give a FACE to the IOT Infrastructure
  • One application that involves PC (Java) + Nano (C++) + UNO (C++) + Raspberry Pi(Python 3) + Mobile App (Android) + Web App (J2EE)


Phase - II (You will have to procure the necessary hardware)

  • Controlling stepper motors / servo motors
  • Using Xbee modules to create a network
  • Controlling a Linear Actuator
  • Linear Actuator applications
  • Controlling Solenoid locks application


Phase - III (You will have to procure the necessary sensors)

  • Water level sensors application
  • Color sensor application
  • Water sensor application
  • Speed sensor application
  • Heart rate pulse sensor application
  • Sound sensor application

Terms & Conditions

  • You will have to be very careful when dealing with AC Current.
  • We will be telling you about the precautions that you have to take. All you have to do is follow them.
  • If any component gets damaged because of wrong connections, we won't be responsible for the damage.
  • After registering, you mail us the address where you want the kit to be delivered.
  • Our email id. for communication is support@thinkingmachines.in
  • You should not try to play around with the components unless taught by us.
  • Many components are bound to get damaged because of wrong connection.
  • We will provide you a list of some components that you will have to purchase from your local shops.
  • You will have to purchase items like Bulb, Wire, 2 Pin, On/Off Switch etc.
  • For attending the course, you should have prior knowledge of C/C++
  • Wherever Java / Python 3 / J2EE is being used, we will teach the necessary portions required for our projects